West Hills Estate Sale
Items of interest:
Artwork includes old Fountain Gallery artists: Lucinda Parker, Harry Widman, Karen Guzak, George Johanson, Arlene Lev, Carol Grigg, Michele Russo etching, Plus many California and regional contemporary artists. Besides a great judge and fighter for social rights, Mr. Tanzer was an avid photographer, and many framed works of photography by him are available.
Elaine was a great cook and founder of Elephants delicatessen and collected cookbooks, old kitchen pottery, china and decor, Tons of books on travel, history and art. the French country home they designed is full of lovely french furniture and decor, fine oriental carpets and kilims
Thursday — Saturday
October 29th — October 31st
10am — 4pm
Covid Rules:
We take the health and well-being of our staff and our customers very seriously so we ask that you please be respectful of our policies:
Please bring your own mask and wear it during the entire sale, including while you wait in line to enter.
Masks must be worn at all times and must cover both your mouth AND your nose.
If you are caught improperly wearing a mask, you will be asked to leave.
Please stay at least 6' feet away from people.
We know the art is going to be VERY distracting because it's so cool and there are beautiful deals and treasures to be had but please stay vigilant and stay the heck away from people. 6 Feet, people!
It's up to all of us to take responsibility and keep our community healthy.
Occupancy limited to 15 shoppers at a time.
Do not breathe on Gary.
Take a Peek
(May take a minute or two to load)

Important Details
- There is no list. Numbers are handed out at 9 am the FIRST DAY OF THE SALE ONLY. Doors are at 10.
- Your number will hold your place in line, which means that once you get your number, you can leave the venue and return once the doors open.
- If there is a large crowd, we will let in a few small groups at a time until everyone is happily shopping. Please note, the sale is limited to 15 people at a time to comply with Coronavirus safety standards.
- We accept cash or credit cards for payment.
- Prices are non-negotiable until after 2pm.
- All sales are final and must be picked up on the day of the sale unless other arrangements are discussed.
- We offer a holding area for you to place your goods while shopping.
- We do not allow large bags, boxes or backpacks; no exceptions.
- Masks are required.